The animals
The animals went in two by two }
Hurray, hurray !! } ( 2 X )
The animals went in two by two
The rhinoceros and the kangaroo
And they all went into the ark
For to get out of the rain
Three by three – de beer ,de vlo en de kanarie
– Four – het nijlpaard kon de deur niet door
– Five – ze plaagden Noach’s wife
– Six – ze bridgten en maakten overtricks
– Seven – Noach zei : hee, wacht es effen
– Eight – Ze aten niet veel want ze hadden ’t niet breed
– Nine – De regen hield op en dat vonden ze fine
The animals went out of the ark }
By ten, by ten } ( 2 X )
The animals went out by ten, by ten
Wat ben ik blij dat ‘k weer buiten ben
And they all went out of the ark
Into the sunshine again